Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ten Dollar Bills

Daddy always told Lauren that as soon as she could count to ten that he would give her ten dollars. She had been successful for a couple of days so Daddy had to make good on his promise. Before bedtime on July 6, Daddy handed Lauren Ten Dollar Bills while she counted from 1 to 10. We were so very proud of her! It was adorable that she fanned the money to
flaunt it in her excitement. Then sh
e proceeded to lay them out one-by-one and count really loud, "O...n...e, t...w...o, t...h...r...e...e, etc. This was so much fun and a tangible way for her to realize that we count every day.

1 comment:

MommyB said...

Ha ha this is super cute, I bet she was so proud!